Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lee Daniel's The Butler

The Butler:


I was privileged to watch the story of a "male domestic help" in pre & post-civil rights America and was pleasantly captivated by the various themes and events that unfolded throughout the main character's life. Themes like pain and anguish, love, dignity and pride in honest labor, forgiveness, estrangement, loneliness, fear, oppression, hunger and a thirst for justice cannot but keep you mesmerized in the darkened cinema hall, but then you have to pinch yourself and remember that when scenes looked bad, they were probably worse in real life without the glamorous Hollywood trimmings (which make us come to see these motion pictures-to be honest) and when they looked good, we can only hope they were really better.
Those who know me know that I personally believe in a gospel of love (not fairy tale ideas nor Hollywood's romances but in self-sacrificial love made up of all the hard and uncomfortable stuff that lets others know they are valued and important and stand the test of time be it towards family, a friend, an acquaintance, a neighbor, a child, a stranger.....anybody).  I'm happy to say I saw true love evident in this film and I think this love made room for a very important forgiveness that in a way brought the film to its nearly perfect end (if anyone's life could be called so).
Take home message: Try to make a difference no matter how small wherever you find yourself and if you must speak out/up for someone else do it with and in the name of love. When we fight for what we believe in, we are always on the winning side and God for His own part knows how to balance the scales adequately, maybe not in your lifetime or generation, but at the right time. Honest, diligent and well-executed labor will only earn you respect (and hopefully reward).
Have you seen this movie? Any thoughts?

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